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空間的處理一直是全球音響迷努力追求卻難以達到完美境界,空間中各種反射回饋現象也同時影響 聲音認知的主要因素。
在優越的幾何亂數運算下的結果,一間經過正確使用ESR產品的聆聽空間裡,無論在細節上的豐富度,動態上的延展都能讓受訪者很輕易的分辨出被增強的部分。藉由適當的擺位其中讓受訪聆聽者最訝異的部分就是把以往愛樂者獨樂的聚焦點,俗稱「皇帝位」的那一點消失了。其實它不是消失,而是將聚焦點擴大了! 然而音像還是封文不動的定位在該有的比例位置上。
不僅僅如此,優越的幾何造型,重量不但輕盈每一片單元不超過3公斤,在材質上更可以任意上色彩而對音頻處理完全不受影響。針對居家佈置上提供了色彩運用上無限的創意組合。光單就色彩運用這一點而言,絕非今日市場上任何空間聲學產品可以比擬(註一)。更多資訊請點閱 ESR Diffusor
- The ROUNDFFUSOR1 (R1) is produced from a 5 mm massif polystyrene plastic. Flammability rating: Standard ISO UL94/HB - 1,6 mm.
- The R1 is delivered in some basic / standard colors: White, beige, Bordeaux or various 0.2 mm ''velvet'' like coverings, here the very first Bordeaux one.
- With the R1-Velvet, you don't need any carpet on the floor and all sibilant traces in your music or from the loudspeakers will be subtly attenuated.
- This solution is ideal for any horn type loudspeakers ! It reduces the known horn's known directivity and allows an almost ''not seeing'' from where the sound is radiated, making homogenous the overall sound field. The ''realistic'' sound stage is ...realistically there.
- The Roundffusor1 may be painted on request, in order to be integrated aesthetically with your desired or existing decoration.
施以絨毛表面陽極處理 針對播放指向性高的號角喇叭 效果尤其顯著
This solution is ideal for any horn type loudspeakers ! It reduces the known horn's known directivity and allows an almost ''not seeing'' from where the sound is radiated, making homogenous the overall sound field. The ''realistic'' sound stage is ...realistically there.